Quickrefs for Python and Vim

More quick reference booklets: Vim PocketMod draft 1 (new) Python PocketMod draft 1 (new) Scheme PocketMod draft 3 (updated) I don’t really need the qr for Python, but I thought it might be good to have ready should a friend a coworker wish to start learning Python. As for Vim, the reference is certainly terrible …

Is SICP just a book?

SICP stands for “Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs”, and is an introductory computer science book, written by Hal Ableson and Gerald Sussman for their introductory computer science course given at MIT from 1981 until 2007.  A professional recording done in 1986 and is also available for download online, as is the book itself. Why …

Understanding Continuations

Experimenting with Lisp variants eventually led me to the programming construct of continuations as popular with the Scheme programming language.  In case  you’re not familiar with the construct, it’s a control construct (like the if statement or exception dispatch) that works a little like this: Say you’re in the kitchen in front of the refrigerator, …

You Can be a Lisper Too!

"Really?" I hear you saying, "you can’t be serious!  Python and Ruby, that’s one thing, but Lisp?  Seriously?!" About Lisp Briefly, Lisp is a family of programming languages that date back to 1958.  It is characterized by a very simple syntax, garbage collection, reference semantics, and very powerful language extension and self introspection capabilities.  Many …

Memoizer 4b – Common Lisp

Continuing this series, in Common Lisp… Memoizer 1 – C++ Memoizer 2 – Python Memoizer 3 – Lua Memoizer 4a – Lisp for Mortals Memoizer As before, we’ll be walking through a memoizing function — for review, it’s a function that will transforms an existing function into one that remembers previous results instead of recomputing …

Memoizer 4a – Lisp for Mortals

Now that this is getting to be a series, I ought to provide links to the previous entries, in case anyone is actually reading this thing: Memoizer 1 – C++ Memoizer 2 – Python Memoizer 3 – Lua Other than the C++ example, this series has been part of an experiment to bootstrap my experience …