Schrodinger’s Yacc

There was a small controversy last year about parser combinators, a convenient way of rapidly developing parsers in a functional style. Yacc is presumably chosen as the archetypal non-combinator parser generator, requiring separate external parser compiler, known for being a pain to use. “Yacc is dead” (ltu discussion) “Yacc is not dead“ “Yacc is dead: …

Concepts: Typeclasses for C++?

I’ve had a hypothesis for a while that C++ templates (paired at times with ADL) are an ad-hoc, unsound version of typeclasses. I’ve seen this hold for parser combinators, range base algorithms, and more. I’m also not the first to draw this comparison[1]. Concepts are supposed to bring soundness in through constrained templates. Concepts look awfully …

Repls, repls, everywhere

Have a new-years resolution to try out a new programming language, but in too much of a hurry to pick only one, or install anything? Online REPs and REPLs Today there’s 61 different languages on that list. That many, there’s gotta be at least one that strikes your fancy. Best batch execution site: with 50 unique languages. …