Personal picks for PDC 2009 thus far. Haven’t watched them yet, so no reviews.
- Dynamic Binding in C# 4.0 — last I saw this was pre Beta, so need to catch up on what was improved in the final design.
- Concurrency Fuzzing & Data Races — data races = debugging pain.
- C++ Forever: Interactive Applications in the Age of Manycore — I’m a bit skeptical about the title though — forever? really? I guess we’ll wait an see.
- Microsoft .NET Micro Framework and Intelligent Devices — mostly interested in seeing where the MF is at, and what their public future directions are.
- Microsoft Perspectives on the Future of Programming — some big names here, Erik Meijer, Herb Sutter I’m most aware of; Don Box interesting, I haven’t seen what he’s up to lately.
- Future of Garbage Collection — Patrick Dussud.
- Rx: Reactive Extensions for .NET — Erik Meijer’s latest work
- Axum: A .NET Language for Safe Scalable Concurrency — mostly to remain abreast of different async patterns and their consequences.
- F# for Parallel and Asynchronous Programming — again, to remain informed of async developments.
Small complaint on behalf of those who were physically in attendance: I imagine it’s really annoying to find related topics always be in the same slot. Concurrency Fuzzing and C++ manycore; Axum and F# Parallel/Async; I would think it would be annoying to have to choose between those pairs.
Of course, I always watch online after-the-fact when the videos are up, so no negative consequence for me.